The Holy and The Fuck

Which is one of the most clichéd words ever used in the English language? Of course now even the word “cliché” itself has become clichéd but let’s be more religious towards the subject here.  I’m sure the word ‘holy’ comes in the top 50 most overused and abused words in the history of the language; notwithstanding the fact that it definitely is at the zenith of the list of ‘Most Misleading Terms Ever Coined’. But that’s a different matter.

Talking about the word itself, ‘holy’ can mean many different things….or it can all mean just one thing. Sacred, religious, pious, saintly, pure, godly…....all of these can be understood as the zillion hundred gods and deities in the world, different words referring to the same thing, or just heresy for the atheist (see what I did there?).

When us mighty humans initially faced something we did not understand, the truth of not having understood was too much for us to swallow. So what did we do? We turned to fantasy. Or as some would call it- divine power. Whenever we have had a hard time explaining something, using fear has been more than effective in controlling and pacifying the masses who are hungry for an explanation, and believe me, the masses always want an explanation, even though the number who will actually want to understand it are not significant. Thus God, the divine, and the Holy, came to be the tool for mass- manipulation. Anything and everything that was of advantage to the hierarchy that ran religion, was added to the list of Holy things, because once a thing has become Holy, it can be used to control believers in any which way. And to make the believers turn life miserable for those who dared use science and logic to try and question the religious order.

‘Holy’ became one of the most used, abused, and used-to-abuse words known to man; being used to swindle money and resources in the name of God, and sometimes used as an unsaid form of sexual consent to prey on innocent women and children.

That brings us to the latter part of the topic. That one thing Indians love to do but hate to talk about.


We as a country have a population of more than a billion. Clearly, the urge to procreate is an all-consuming desire in this country and why not? With a country as diverse as ours, the diversity is ample fodder for the natural evolutionary phenomenon called ‘natural selection.’  And if science and our urges weren’t good enough reasons, we had our beloved Lord Kama to guide us. Yeah, we actually had a God for sex. Literally, holy fuck!

What changed over time, nobody knows. Fuck- a holy act, somehow changed to taboo, much to the dismay of those figurines indulging in debauched orgies on the walls of Khajuraho. Funnily enough, as with most other things that are taboo, that probably only egged people on to fuck more, like rabbits. And our population today is proof of that.

I believe it is high time that we as a nation get a reality check and start treating the subject more sensibly because half knowledge is always dangerous. A half-holy person will do unholy things in the name of His Holiness, and a sexually illiterate person will end up making major mistakes in life.

On a concluding note, all I have to say is this- Be it Holy or be it fuck, make sure you understand and are fully aware of the possible consequences of indulging in it, because it can either make your life better, or it can prove to be an absolute fucking disaster!


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