We Already Knew This!
After watching this, your brain will not be the same. This was the title of a clickbait I recently fell for on YouTube. Surprisingly, the video turned to be quite informative and I enjoyed it. It was a TED talk by Dr Lara Boyd , a neurobiologist working at the University of British Columbia, about the research her team has been doing about brain plasticity and ways to use the knowledge to rehabilitate stroke survivors better. Wait a minute! Brain? Plastic? What the hell are you talking about? Yes, your question is plausible. Plasticity of the brain has to do with the ability of neurons to form new connections between each other each time we have a new experience or learn a new skill. Dr Boyd also went on to debunk the commonly held notion that our brains stop developing after we reach the age of maturity at the end of adolescence. The essence of her talk was that when we learn a new skill or build upon our knowledge, in order to sup...